Why Should You Stop Neglecting Your Pelvic Floor
Click to download your FREE Pelvic Floor Guide for Busy Moms.
Did you know some exercises if done improperly… or done too soon after childbirth can be BAD for our lady bits? Let’s improve our pelvic floor with specific exercises instead.
Do you want to reduce back pain, improve posture, reach orgasm during sex, flatten your tummy, and stop leaking during jumping jacks, sprinting, and heavy lifting?
What if you could get life changing results in just a few minutes of mom-bod exercises each day?
Did you know a well-functioning pelvic floor is associated with all of the benefits listed above?
But unfortunately many women forget to do pelvic floor exercises altogether… and many moms who DO remember… are actually doing ‘kegels’ incorrectly.
That’s why I created my FREE Pelvic Floor Guide for Busy Moms. DOWNLOAD NOW.
Many women accidentally squeeze their butt cheeks or simply clench their inner thighs together.
The key is actually closing and lifting from both the front and back holes — as if trying to hold in pee or gas.
So let's talk about that below the belt, taboo topic. It shouldn't be taboo! Our pelvic floor is something so often forgotten about in the fitness industry. If you're like me, you may not have paid much attention to your pelvic floor until getting pregnant or after giving birth. It is often a forgotten exercise. I imagine the reason a lot of folks don't pay attention to it is because we don't wear our pelvic floor on our sleeve! Ha! We notice a visible difference in our shoulders or legs if we work our deltoids or our quads. But who notices when we have been doing our kegels (pelvic floor exercises)?!
I'm going to challenge you. If you aren't doing them now... Now is the time to start. I'll bet you will notice a difference over time. And who knows. Your partner may notice a difference as well! Did you know a stronger pelvic floor (that both contracts and relaxes) can be associated with more pleasurable, sexual intimacy? They can make our orgasms stronger. Amazing!
Transform Your Pelvic Floor.
so you can...
🔆 Improve posture.
🔆 Reduce back pain.
🔆 Stop pee-sneezing and coughing.
🔆 Run, jump, and lift weights with ease.
🔆 Flatten tummy.
🔆 Enjoy orgasm during sex.
🔆 Feel like yourself again.
FREE Pelvic Floor Guide & Video Trainings.
I can't believe I'm giving this training away for free. Many women are doing pelvic floor exercises wrong... Or taking fitness classes that are worsening problems. Unlock the SOLUTION.... It will only take 5 minutes.
>> 🙌 Get Free Access <<
I've designed this free training for all women.
☑️ Pregnancy Core: Reduce risks of vaginal tearing and medical interventions in birth
☑️ Postnatal Core: Speedier recovery.
☑️ Busy Moms with Older Kids: It is NEVER too late.
We only have one pelvic floor to help birth our little humans… only one pelvic floor to last our lifetimes… so I think we ought to give it the respect it deserves! I don't know about you, but I don't want to be peeing myself when I'm 50! But I do want to take part in running and other high impact exercises. That's why I tried to be smart in the first year of my postpartum recovery and not jump back into intense exercise too soon. I hope you are doing the same and even considering a visit to the women's physiotherapist!
At some point, during most all Strong Sexy Mammas workouts we spend a minute or so checking in with our pelvic floor. I realize this is not the usual practice for most fitness instructors. But I truly believe that in the future, pelvic floor exercises in group exercise classes will be the norm. It should be!
I also believe the future of women's health care will involve all mammas get coverage to see a physical therapist who specializes in women's health. If we had knee surgery we wouldn't just have one follow-up appointment with the surgeon would we? Of course not. We would go through physical therapy and get exercises to help us heal. Take your health in your own hands. Some women actually have an overactive pelvic floor and need help releasing/relaxing. Get your tummy muscles and pelvic floor strength checked. Make sure you know how to activate your TVA (transverse abdomens) and pelvic floor! This will serve you both during exercise and your activities of daily living.
Watch the Anna's chat in the next post about how and why we should listen to our doctors and do pelvic floor lifts and relaxations every single day. Strong Sexy Mammas recommends all prenatal and postnatal women see a women's health physiotherapist (physical therapist).
Continence.org.au is an amazing primary resource. The government organization highlights the importance of asking your health worker, nurse, physiotherapist or doctor for help if you:
• rush to get to the toilet to wee or poo
• have burning or stinging if you pass wee • have to push to make the wee start
• can’t hold in wind (gas) or experience incontinence
• have pain, pressure, discharge or smell from your vagina.