fitness tips, fitness studio, fitness, lifestyle Anna Kooiman fitness tips, fitness studio, fitness, lifestyle Anna Kooiman

15 Tips To Make and KEEP Fitness Goals... Advice From Top Trainers

 It's always tough to make and keep fitness goals and resolutions if we don't have a proper plan in place. If you're having a hard time... wait! Don't throw in the towel! Time may get away from us, our co-workers may bring in their leftover holiday goodies, our kids may need extra attention... That's life. Life happens! But don't waste the effort you've made so far. Don't feel like a failure just because you fell off the wagon. Get up!... Let's stand up together... dust our shoulders off... Let's get back on... and try it again. Hit. It. Don't. Quit. It. 

How can we keep our fitness resolutions? For the answers... I have interviewed several top instructors from organizations I have found some my own fitness success. Their advice is awesome. Take a look!

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fitness, lifestyle, fitness tips Anna Kooiman fitness, lifestyle, fitness tips Anna Kooiman

5 Fun Ways to Work Off that Christmas Feast

1. Play touch football with the extended family... or round up some neighbors. Wear old yucky clothes.... The more grass stains the better! Ladies... get involved too... and don't go easy on the guys... Go for the knees and take em down! LOL

2. Break out the video games or virtual reality goggles one of your family members had all packaged up nice and perrrrrty under the tree. Tennis, bowling, or my favorite... dancing!! Clap... clap... Criss cross... Hands in the air... Now stomp! LOL 

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