Barry's Bootcamp: One Stop Fitness Shop
Super sweaty selfie with Barry's Bootcamp CEO, Joey Gonzalez after a dope class in NYC!
Barry's Bootcamp has an incredible reputation for drawing celebrities and fitness fanatics through its doors in major cities worldwide. They vow students will burn up to 1,000 calories per class! When living in the Big Apple I would workout quite frequently at Barry's Bootcamp. I started going regularly while getting ready for my Central Park wedding! My favorite time to go? Thursday afternoons at the Chelsea location. Each day trainers run students through workouts targeting a specific muscle group. Thursday is abs day. I found their formulas to be challenging but manageable. 'Barry's' - as its fans like me refer to it - now has more than 25 worldwide locations including Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago, London, and Oslo. It was founded in 1998. Reps tell me today... more than 40,000 people visit their fitness studios every week.
I asked a few questions about the Barry's Bootcamp craze to NYC trainer, Oliver Lee. "At Barrys we strive to make sure all of our workouts are different- it is never the same. From the music, floor work and time on the treadmill - it's all uniquely crafted to keep both beginner and advanced clients engaged and working harder than they ever thought possible!"
Cardio meets strength at Barry's Bootcamp. After walking up to the welcome counter... students are assigned a treadmill or bench (if they haven't picked their own online ahead of time). At the command of the instructor... the two groups rotate throughout class. The trainer juggles shouting out treadmill incline numbers and speed ranges for the "Treaders"... all while demonstrating proper exercise form for the "Floor" group. By the end of class... students have had a tough cardio session lasting between 25-30 minutes... and a tough strength training session also lasting 25-30 minutes. Paired with healthful nutrition... It's a great recipe for melting fat and building lean muscle.
Lee tells me, "Women used to be afraid that they would become "bulky" or masculine from lifting weights but studies have shown that they will burn more fat and achieve leaner toned muscles when they do. Today, women want to look great and feel tough! Barry’s is the perfect combination of HIIT training for a lean, toned, strong body."
If you are visiting NYC, LA, Chicago, London, or Oslow... or if you live there and want to try something new... I would definitely recommend giving Barry's a whirl! It doesn't have to be on a Thursday for abs class either! LOL Every day of the week trainers are ready to give participants a good sweat. The company's hope is that students come to class several days a week. The idea behind training different muscle groups on different days... and the workouts within those categories constantly changing... is based on the muscle confusion theory. That theory basically means switching up the movements ensures bodies don't become acclimated to the work... so students shouldn't plateau. Barry's Bootcamp bills themselves as a one stop fitness shop that gives dedicated students harder, leaner, fitter bodies. It pushes students both physically and mentally.
Barry's Bootcamp is a hard core environment.... stainless steel decor... military dog tag and drill sergeant cutouts for artwork. And the main exercise room is dimly lit... predominantly in a reddish hue. I find the aura to be motivating and intense... with out being gritty like you get at some gyms. The lobby typically offers a protein smoothie and juice bar that also serves healthy snacks. The showers are outfitted with Malin and Goetz products like cleanser, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, body moisturizer, and candles. My spa-like experience at Barry's has me using some of these products at home! They are great quality. If ya try out Barry's... your post-workout shower may be a real treat. And I've got a real treat for ya right now! ;-) Oliver Lee is sharing a few songs from a recent Barry's Bootcamp playlist. Now you can feel a bit of the pulse of class... even if you can't make it to one of their studios. Hopefully these help you get your sweat on and forget you're even exercising!
- "Blame" - Calvin Harris (Jacob Plant Remix)
- "In My Head" - Galantis ( Matisse & Sadko Remix)
- "Trouble" - Offaiah
- "Bad & Boujee" - Migos
One final fitness tip from NYC Barry's Bootcamp trainer, Oliver Lee... "Implement one good habit into your lifestyle at a time—don’t overwhelm yourself. It’s all about making good regular habits to achieve your fitness goals long term. Do it step by step not all at once."